Prof. Ki-Bong Nam
Prof. Ki-Bong Nam
Univ. of Wisc.-Whiterwater, USA
标题: Notes on generalized Weyl/Lie algebras and their related topics
Recently many people studied generalized Weyl algebras and their modules. We generalize the polynomial over a eld of characteristic zero. We introduce generalized Weyl/Lie algebras using the generalized polynomial ring and prove that those algebras are simple. We provide some open problems regarding the algebras and their modules as well. 
Academic Data:
1998, Ph. D. in Mathematics (Specialty : Algebra), Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison with Distributive
 Minor in 1998.
1996, M. A. in Mathematics, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 

1983, M. S. in Mathematics in Hanyang Graduate School, 

1981, B. S. in Mathematics in Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.

2013.7.1- Present, Univ. of Wisc.-Whiterwater, Professor.
March 1-June, 2017, Kyungpook National University (KNU), Visiting Professor and I taught two math courses.
6.15-6.30, 2014, Feb. 26-30, 2017, May, 20-25, 2019, USTC, Hefei, China, Visiting Scholar.
7.11-7.14, 2018, Peking University, Visiting Scholar.
3.1-2009. 8. 31, 2-19, Hanyang Univ. Visiting Professor and I taught two math courses.
2006.7.1-2013.6.30 , Univ. of Wisc.-Whiterwater,  Associate (tenured) Professor.
2003.7.1-2006.6. 30, Univ. of Wisc.-Whiterwater,  Assistant Professor.
1999.8.22-2003.6. 30, Univ. of Wisc.-Whiterwater, Lecturer.
1983-1984, Iowa State Univ., Teaching Assistant.
1981. 8.20-1983. 7.30, Hanyang Graduate Teaching Assistant, 

Journal Publications:
Published 87 papers in the journal 
which are showing at American Math Society MR
and one accepted joint paper in MAA Monthly, 2019.