Prof. Yongbin Chen
Prof. Yongbin Chen
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
标题: The beauty of interdisciplinary study between evolutionary biology and tumor biology

Dr. Chen obtained his Ph.D. in Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, CAS,China(2005), and did post-doctoral study with Dr. Jin Jiang in UT southwestern medical center atDallas,USA.  He was recruited as a Principle Investigator in Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS,China, by Thousand Youth Talents Plan in 2012.  Dr. Chen’s research focuses on identifying novel biomarkers involved in tumorigenesis and deciphering the underlying functional molecular mechanisms. Hypoxia occurs naturally at high-altitudes as well as many pathological conditions (e.g. tumor). His lab uses large-scale comparative population genomic data to reveal the genetic mechanism and species specific features underlying high-altitude adaptation of Tibetan mammals, and has uncovered multiple novel positively selected genes dysregulated in multiple types of solid tumors, which provides new strategy identifying novel biomarkers for cancers.