Prof. Rama Shanker
Prof. Rama Shanker
Devendra Mishra Institute of Statistics, China
Prof. Rama Shanker has completed his Bachelor, Master and Ph.D in Statistics from Department of Statistics, Patna University, Patna, India. He has more than twenty two years of teaching and research experience. Presently, he is working as Professor of Statistics and Deputy Director, Devendra Mishra Institute of Statistics, Patna, India. He was the founding head of Department of Statistics, College of Science at Eritrea Institute of technology, Asmara, Eritrea. He was also the founding Editor-in-Chief of “Eritrean Journal of Science and Engineering (EJSE)”, a biannual Science and Engineering Journal, published from Eritrea Institute of Technology, Eritrea. His research interests include Distribution Theory, Modeling of Lifetime Data, Statistical Inference, Mathematical Demography, Transportation and Assignment Problems. He has 140 research papers published in national and international journals of Statistics, Biostatistics, Mathematics and Operations research. He has introduced several new discrete and continuous probability distributions in Statistics for modeling lifetime data from biomedical sciences and engineering. He is the international advisory Board members of research journals published from India, Singapore, Turkey and USA and reviewers of research papers in distribution theory of many international journals of Statistics. He has been working as international advisory committee members of conferences/seminars in Statistics. He has delivered invited/plenary talks in international/national conferences/seminars in Statistics and Statistics related disciplines. He is the external examiner of Ph.D thesis in Statistics for different universities.